Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Tuesday Saw Old Timers Tackle all 18 Holes!!

For the first time since whenever the Old Timers had the opportunity to play all 18 Holes. Eight of us showed up for a little 4 on 4. The weather was very accomodating, but the course looked a little shabby. As long as I'm giving the course conditioning a little grief..when are we going to hear from our superintendent an update on the USGA visit, and what our plan of action is?? Not too much to ask I hope. The team of Dave D, Dennis H, Rich and yours truly won all three legs of the team game +1, -3, -2. Rich and Charlie J tied the front at +1. Terry wins the back +4, and Dave D comes in second +2. Terry and Dave D tie total with +2. Good scores are getting hard to come by with the surfaces that we putt on. See you all Thursday.

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