Sunday, September 27, 2020

Saturday Scoring

The weather was September-glorious as seven Oldtimers marched to the first tee. We were joined by two new members. Tom Dunlavy, an FCCC member, brought his son-in-law, Jeff Cozzo, visiting from Atlanta. Their teammates were Bill Hall and Ryan Crow. (A note to The Blogger, when it’s time to collect, Tom has both his $3 and his son-in-law’s $3.) The practice green was encouraging. My guess the stimp was at 7 or 8. A nice speed for a beautiful fall day. Then … when you had that 20-footer on the first green … and you left it 10-feet short … you knew it was going to be a collection of interesting putting surfaces. But I digress! Tom’s opening quota was 24. Jeff’s was 28. Tom birdied the first hole, Jeff eagled the sixth. So, it goes without saying, questions were raised!!!!!!!! The three-man team was led by Mr. 36, Bob Coleman. Dennis Harrison and Dave Dister were his minions. Here’s how the 7-man game turned out. Remember, the winning team earns 2-2-2. Individual pays two places: 3-3-3 and 2-2-2. Winners indicated in Red! Dunlavy (12/12) +1 -3 -2 -$3 Cozzo (14/14) -1 -1 -2 -$3 Hall (15/16) -1 -3 -4 -$3 Crow (17/17) -2 E -2 Tie 2nd B ($1) -$3 = -$2 Team -3 -7 -10 Coleman (18/18) +3 -4 -1 TTT ($2) 2nd F ($2) -$3 = +$1 Harrison (13/13) +1 E +1 TTT ($2) Tie 2nd B ($1) 2nd T ($2) -$3 = +$2 Dister (15/16) +4 +3 +7 TTT ($2) 1st F ($3) 1st B ($3) 1st T ($3) -$3 = +$8 Team +8 -1 +7 Hall drops 1 to 30. Harrison drops 1 to 25. Both Dunlavy and Cozzo drop 1 from their entry-level quotas. Dunlavy is now 23. Cozzo is 27. Aholt 30 Alferman, D. 30 Alferman, T. 33 Blackwell 30 Butler 29 Clark 34 Coleman 36 Cozzo 27 Crow 34 Curtis 33 Dister 31 Dunlavy 23 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 29 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 31 Harrison 26 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 29 Kavanaugh 28 Kossmann 26 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 26 Marquardt, B. 30 Marquart, M. 25 Moosmann 28 Morris 23 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 26 Sciuto 27 Sharma 33 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 31 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

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