Tuesday, September 29, 2020

FCCC 1, Old Timers 0

Today was one of those Days...When the course came out on top. All nine Old Timers that showed up today were eliminated from Old Timer of the Week Award after the front nine. -1 was the best anyone could muster on the front. Terry, Bob, Rich, Dave A, Bill and Charlie J each tied the front. Rich and Bill righted the ship on the back with +3 and +2. Dave A came in third on the back. All three again won 1st, 2nd, and 3rd with +2, +1, and -1 respectfully. Dave A (Old Timer of the Week), Bill, and Charlie J won the front, -3, tied the back with Dave D, Bob, And Rich at even, and won total with -3. It was a pretty rough day, chilly, windy, with relatively challenging playing conditions throughout the course. At least we saw the sun every few minutes.

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