Friday, June 26, 2020


Some of the scores from last week were terrific!! Such as Terry last tuesday..+7,+3,+10; Dave A also on tuesday +5,+3.+8. Thursday Dennis +4,+3,+7; Charlie V an outstanding day with +5,+6,+11. Saturday saw Dennis again +4,+4,+8; many, many good scores last week, by a lot of you Old Timers...but no one made it through the week without a bad 9, or bad day. Dennis started off the week -10 (ouch!), As quoted earlier this week by the acting Commis, neither he nor Charlie V could'nt cut the cheese on Saturday. Terry ended up the week with a +15, but on Saturday started off -1.....I know pretty strict of me to place so much weight on one missed putt, or one sculled wedge, or one bad bounce. But.....we all wear big boy pants...there are no participation ribbons just for showing up. So instead of a single Old Timer of the week winner...everyone that was positive points for the week will be declared "Almost Old Timer of the Week"!!
Positive totals were achieved by:
Newcomer..Joe G..+4
Charlie V..+10
Dave D..+12
Mike C..+5
Well done by all of you!!!
and don't hurt your shoulders patting yourselves on the back.
Today, I once again get to tackle Beech Mountain Golf Club. I've been invited to play in the "better players Friday game". Hopefully my second round here will be better than the first ...82, but I'm blaming the altitude change 5000 feet. I coundn't figure out how far my shots would go. I know...some of you are mouthing to yourself..he never knows how far or were his shots go!! Stay safe, wear your mask and kiss your wife or dog as you leave the house.

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