Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The rain stopped, the grass grew, the sun popped out and golf was played.

Six Old Timers showed up for a little golf today as the rain departed, and the sun made an appearance. 
Scoring was really difficult as no one was able to be positive for the entire day. +1 was the best anyone could manage all day. The front nine was tied at -4. You know who you were. Team Charlie J and C, along with Bill won the back by one point -4, -5. Whew!! Charlie V won the front with +1. Bob and Charlie C tied the back with +1, and Bill wins total at even for the day. 

A big thank you is in order to our fellow Old Timer Charlie V for his long term membership on our Greens Committee. From personal experience several of us know of the challenges of being on this committee and trying to make our course be the best it possibly can. After last nights greens meeting, we should be seeing a little softer greens and shorter rough on our course. Many thanks to Charlie and Dave D for attending the meeting last night and making several requests to improve the playing conditions of our course. Well done.

See you all Thursday!!! 

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