Sunday, May 10, 2020


Before we get into yesterdays results..I am going to ramble on a little bit about Mothers and I'm not talking about car wax either. Without a Mother...there would be no Old Timer's Golf group...and we all know how much we love the game of golf. If your mother is still in your would be the perfect day to pay her the respect and thanks that she is do. After all she raised your sorry asses..probably spanked that sorry ass, certainly wiped your sorry ass..and most likely kissed your sorry ass to make it feel better. So if you can..throw a little love her way today. If your mother is not still in your life..take a minute of time and remember some of the good times you had together.

OK..where was I.

Yesterday was another beautiful spring day. You know when Spring is officially here..because most of our conversations are about our lovely rough. It was brought to my attention yesterday that the rough was not that bad...One would have to say that is the most positive comment we can make regarding our rough. Caution...stay left of the cart path on 18!!!

Yesterday saw the continuous improvement in positive point totals...9 of 14 Old Timers were positive!! Well done to those 9. 3 out of 4 teams were positive on the front. Had it not been for TM, each team would have been positive. bob, mike, rich, and dennis won the front at +5. team charlie (j and c), along with leroy, won the back and total +4 and +8. Bill...welcome to the top of the Loserboard!! bob, dave d, and jeff k tied the front at +3. charlie c won the back and total with +5, +8. edging out bob, who again had a subpar round.

One last comment from the last row...Would you ever think that making the decision to move from the tips to the gold tees would generate so much conversation? Josh...I for one appreciate your making that decision and diverting attention away from the virus and giving us all something else to talk about. Next time, maybe the family tees???

$$$$$$$ updated as of yesterday
charlie c..-6.10
charlie j..+9.35
jeff k..-3.35
ryan c..-3.50
dave d..+3.15

see you all in a couple of hours. Remember what today is!!!!

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