Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Not only is the rough growing like crazy...yeah I know it's been raining, but not only was it difficult to find balls, but I lost my teammates on a couple of holes. Well, good news...I just sat here and watched one mower cutting on hole #12 for over two hours!!! And he's back on 12..disregard he is just driving around and not mowing.
Sorry that I got off of the subject...which is Old Timer Golf...Yesterday we had another good showing of Old Timers. Rich wasn't there, but I wanted to congratulate him and his brother for all of the success that they have had with their business. There was a really nice story about the closure of their business in one of the local newspapers. Nice story Rich.
As has been the typical result lately, scoring was again really difficult yesterday, with only one person being positive for the day. Every team was minus, minus, minus. It was really nice having the flag sticks back, and having a visual target to aim at. So much for the excuse "is that where the hole is?, i thought it was back left?"
bob, bill,jim,mike, charlie c and v,dennis and josh tied for the front at -6. terry, dave a and d, and charlie j win the back and total, -1, -9.
Mike wins the front +3 and total+1, with Terry winning the back at +3.
I for one, look forward to winning greenies again, at least having the opportunity to do so.

$$$$$$ Updates
charlie v..-6.20
dave a..-.95
mike c..-1.95
charlie c..-14.10
charlie j..+8.35
dave d..+8.00

I turned my tv off...I swear I can hear the rough growing!!

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