Friday, August 7, 2020

Another Beautiful August Day...

 It's hard to believe it is August..with the exception of a few shitty green surfaces..the grass is still green and healthy, and the course looks good. I would like to point out that Meadowbrook CC has considerably more bermuda rough than we do. Bob, Dennis K, and Rich swept the team game with +3, +5, +8. Rich and Dave D tie the front at +2. Dennis H and K tie the back with +4. Three way tie for total......+4, Dennis H and K, along with Rich. The acting Commish continues his solid play with a fourth day in a row without a negative round. Nicely played. Silently cheer for Ryan E and his caddie (yours truly) to have a solid round today, advancing to the finals tomorrow at the Metropolitan Amateur. Enjoy one more day of great weather. 

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