Friday, August 21, 2020

Bad JUJU...Really Bad JUJU

 For those you that also believe JUJU recent complaints about our substandard surfaces that we putt on, have resulted in a really bad case of JUJU affecting my golf game. My chipping and putting abilities have all but disappeared. I also had three Terry's going blog will try to not focus on the difficulties of my fellow Old Timers. Not that I don't enjoy giving Blog space to highlight the misfortunes of our play...but as soon as I described Terry's Tuesday round...Bamm!! it suddenly shows up in my game. Three least I didn't match Terry"s total of 4. And that is one of the reasons I believe in bad JUJU.  On to yesterdays results. The team of Bob, Jim, Bill, and yours truly swept the team game +1, +8, +9. Removing my-4, -2, -6 performance, the three of them played really well. Bob had a spectacular day shooting a sweet little 65!! +3, +5, +8  winning the back and total. Rich won the front with +4. See you all Saturday. On a side note...there is some great golf to watch on tv this week. The Champions Tour is back at Big Cedar..playing the Springs course (what happened to the name Buffalo Ridge??). Check it out.

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