Wednesday, August 19, 2020

What a Beautiful Day Yesterday

Yesterday reminded me of typical days during the summer in places like Maine, Northern Wisconsin or the Colorado mountains. Not the typical stuff we have in the pizza oven Midwest. So..just enjoy it and hope that we have a few more just like it. The surfaces we try to putt on are still in need of a lot of TLC. Every putt is a different speed...I am truly amazed at the good scores being posted. Yours truly was -4, -4, -8 yesterday, and I only had a couple of ridicuously bad swings. Oh well, maybe I was enjoying the company and the weather too much and not paying attention to the reason we were there. On to those Old Timers that really golfed their balls. Bob, Mike and Charlie V swept the team game with +2, +5, +7. Everyone on the team was positive for the day, but only Bob with +4 on the back could cash in on the in dividual front. Speaking of the front, Terry wins that with another +4. Terry also receives the least improved award as he goes from +4 to -6 on the back. Seems like he gave his teammates a shanking exhibition on the back. Apres golf...he was seen embibing in his third beer as I was departing the course to do the same in private at my own home. My teammate Rich P held on to win total with a nice +5. Rich was extremely happy to be allowed by the Acting Commish to play the par threes from the Forward tee boxes, as he made par on each of them. Congratulations and many thanks to Old Timer's Jim E, David D, and Charlie V for attending the FCCC Board meeting monday night and requesting that monies be allocated to bring in an expert second opinion to assist us with our substandard surfaces that we putt on. Well Done and Thank You!!! Now...on to the updated point quotas... Lots of changes with only 9 players. Remember, three of our 70 to 75 year-olds moved to the Gold par threes. Their quotas automatically increased by one. The other increase in two of their quotas was as a result of their play and the scores they dropped. Charlie Voss +2 to 31. Rich Purschke +2 to 25. Charlie Curtis -1 to 32. Bill Hall -1 to 27. Dennis Harrison +1 to 27. Terry Moosmann -1 to 27. Aholt 30 Alferman, T. 33 Butler 29 Clark 35 Coleman 35 Crow 34 Curtis 32 Dister 30 Ecklekamp 38 Edmonston 24 Eggert 31 Eichelberger 27 Fortner 27 Gildehaus 26 Hall 27 Harrison 27 Homeyer 26 Isgriggs 16 Johnson 28 Kavanaugh 27 Kossmann 25 Lakebrink 21 Lamke 20 Loyd 23 Marquart 25 Moosmann 27 Morris 22 Nealis 23 Parmentier 33 Purschke 25 Sciuto 27 Sharma 32 Smith, M 22 Triplett 28 Voss, C. 31 Voss, D. 32 Zastrow 34

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