Wednesday, August 26, 2020

It Was A Tuesday Scorcher

 Welcome back to typical August weather and also to the Commish. It's apparent that although he hasn't been joining us...he has been playing. Bill H had a hot hand yesterday leading his teammates Charlie V and Terry to a sweep of the team game +7, +4, +11. Bill also won the back and total..+5, +8. The Commish.. Dave L won the front with +5, but ran out of gas on the back. Good play continues with 7 out of 10 Old Timers even or positive for the day. Spectacular play considering the crappy surfaces that we are putting on. For Christ sakes...can we not use a hex plug cutter when trying to repair the crappy surfaces that we putt on?? Number one looks like a teenagers face as they go through puberty. Yikes!!

See you all Thursday.

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