Monday, August 31, 2020


 Below is an immediate modification regarding Payouts in our weekly Old Timer game. 

Many of our Oldtimers have stated that our Quota Game is the fairest game at the club.  If you play to your abilities ... or a little bit better ... you have an opportunity to win.

Well, that's very true ... but ... our blogger has spent a great deal of time analyzing data and he has made some discoveries that need to be addressed.

The way the payoffs are presently made,our blogger has discovered that there's an inordinate amount of luck involved in an otherwise great game.  In other words, it's more about who you draw than how you play.

We are never going to eliminate "Luck of the Draw" as a huge factor in our game.  But, we can reward those who play well by adding more individual places and decreasing the total emphasis we currently have on the team aspect of the game.

Too many times, Oldtimers who have had plus-3, 4 and 5 nines have gone home with nothing, while others who are minus-3 or 2 have drawn a great team and rewarded for sub-par play.  That will still happen, but not to the extent it happens currently.

Our Commish has blessed a new payout system for a September trial run.  The chart indicates four, simple groupings.  Number of players ... team payout for front, back and total ... individual payout for first, second and third places for front, back and total ... and total money to be distributed.  The entry fee won't change.  It's still $3.  

We believe this simple change will make a great game, better.  We're looking forward to your opinion.

# of Players          Team $       Individual $                            Total $

8                           3-3-3           3-3-3   2-2-2                             24

9                           3-3-3           3-3-3   2-2-2   1-1-1                  27

10                         4-4-4           3-3-3   2-2-2   1-1-1                  30

11                         5-5-5           3-3-3   2-2-2   1-1-1                  33

12                         5-5-5           4-4-4   2-2-2   1-1-1                  36

13                         5-5-5           4-4-4   3-3-3   1-1-1                  39

14                         5-5-5           4-4-4   3-3-3   2-2-2                  42

15                         6-6-6           4-4-4   3-3-3   2-2-2                  45

16                         6-6-6           5-5-5   3-3-3   2-2-2                  48

17                         6-6-6           5-5-5   4-4-4   2-2-2                  51

18                         6-6-6           5-5-5   4-4-4   3-3-3                  54

19                         6-6-6           6-6-6   4-4-4   3-3-3                  57

20                         6-6-6           6-6-6   5-5-5   3-3-3                  60

21                         6-6-6           6-6-6   5-5-5   4-4-4                  63


It is my opinion and mine only that whenever fewer than eight show up..the payout is for individual performance only, without a team game.

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