Saturday, August 15, 2020

Well...So Much for My Earlier Blog(s) Lamenting Upon the Numerous Good Scores Not Being Affected By Our Really Shitty Putting Surfaces!!!

 I think that it is more than fair to stop calling those things we putt on as Greens. They are no longer deserving of that name...henceforth until they are returned to us in good shape..hopefully sooner than next spring...they will be referred to surfaces that we putt on. Okay on to todays results...11 Old Timers came out on a really nice Saturday in August. If you haven't been told...until we return to playing all 18 of our holes..we will reduce your required point quota by 2 for every hole that is closed. So today since hole 11 is closed everybody needed 2 less points. If you usually needed 15 points on the and going forward it will be 13. The acting Commish will take all of this into consideration as he figures out our daily quotas. Clear as mud??? Okay. Okay. Terry led his teammates Dennis H and K, along with lucky Charlie J to victory on the front with a solid +2 and total at -1. Terry also won individual on the front with +3. Yours truly led the team of Bob, Ryan C, and Bill to victory on the back with even, while winning individual on the back and total +2, +3. Congratulations to all for having to guess the green speed of each hole that we play and somehow getting the ball in the leather. 

Old Timer of the Week will not be awarded as no one successfully played without a negative 9 this week. Dave D remains the title  holder and can continue to park in my spot. 

If you haven't been following the US Men's Amateur being held at Bandon Dunes..please take a few minutes to watch golf on some of the most beautiful coastline in the world. It is spectacular!!

Charlie out.

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