Friday, March 22, 2024

Day 17: Mike Clark in Thailand

Today I experienced some of the most perfect playing conditions I could possibly imagine.  I’ve played a lot of golf in my lifetime and at some pretty nice places, but today I’ve seen what I would consider near flawless light emerald green turf…… everywhere.  So much so that should you take a divot on your practice swing, a feeling of guilt rushes over you as you have just marred some sacred ground.

As you enter Thai Country Club you know it’s immediately special. This is where Tiger Woods won the Honda Johnny Walker Cup event in the late 90s.  The men’s locker room looks like it’s fit for royalty and I’m immediately assigned a deep mahogany full size locker with robe, towel, and accessories bag.  Pretty snappy stuff. 

After securing my dry clothes, I head outside to be greeted by PANG #170.  She’s all smiles, but a little heavy on the white pasty makeup, and together we make our way to the pristine range where I’m the only visitor.  I’ve whittled thru about half of my nice new Taylor Made range balls, “no Easter Egg basket of spray painted nuggets here”, when the starter approaches and says he would like to pair me with two others.  All good… I’m loose enough but it is what it is… an early start at golf will mean less traffic on the way back to Bangkok when we’ve finished.

After a few quick putts I’m shaking hands with brothers Randy and Dave from Australia.  Away we go and these guys can play. They have been on a similar circuit as myself,  having traveled here from Hua Hin.

Maybe it’s the darn good company or the remarkable turf, or it’s just that the layout suits my eye, but today I’m the white self professed Calvin Pete as I never missed a fairway.  It’s easy to be in a good mood when things are going your way on the golf course. PANG is right on the money with her club selection and she’s happy as a lark to collect and neatly repair my divots which seem to be headed in the general direction of the green.

The odyssey putter has cooperated to some extent today and I make my first and only bogey of the day on 16 with a three putt from the fringe…. But avoid any impending disasters on 17 and 18 to hang onto a two under par 70.

I certainly tip my cap to the superintendent and staff at Thai Country Club…. An absolutely first class course and facility!


Anonymous said...

Maybe I missed it, but what inspired you to go on this adventure? I know you love golfing, but why Thailand, why a solo golf trip, etc… this double bogey golf is curious 🧐 ⛳️

Anonymous said...
